dammarenediol II


Dammarenediol II is a natural triterpenoid compound with the molecular formula C20H34O2. It is a member of the dammarane family of triterpenes and is found in various plant species, including the ginseng plant. Dammarenediol II has been studied for its potential pharmacological properties, including its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anticancer effects. It has also been shown to have neuroprotective effects in animal studies. One of the ways that dammarenediol II exerts its effects is by modulating various signaling pathways in the body, including the nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) pathway and the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. These pathways are involved in the regulation of inflammation, cell growth, and cell survival. Overall, dammarenediol II is a promising compound for further investigation as a potential therapeutic agent for various diseases and conditions. However, more research is needed to fully understand its mechanisms of action and potential benefits.

Chemical Formula:
Molecular Weight:
444.74 Daltons
Monoisotopic Mass:
444.3967309134 Daltons

  • dammarenediol-II
  • dammar-24-ene-3β,20-diol
  • 3β-dammar-24-ene-3,20-diol
  • (20S)-dammar-24-ene-3β,20-diol

MetaCyc:  CPD-9240
KEGG:  C19829
PubChem (CID):  10895555
MetaboLights:  MTBLC62416
ChEBI:  62416
ChemSpider:  109532
Seed:  cpd21072
MetaNetX:  MNXM4560