Escherichia coli HGC3

Derived strains

Genotype with respect to wild type
F+ (λ) | l-Tyriosine auxotrophic | Plasmid pAP11 added | ΔtyrR, pheA and trpE | Plasmid pAP31 added | Plasmid pAP11 lost | ΔaroP and tyrP | Plasmid pAP11 added | Plasmid pAP31 lost | dadX-cvrA::Pj231119-yddG, tyrP::Pj231119-tktA, trpE::Pj231119-ppsA | Plasmid pAP33 added | Plasmid pAP11 lost

Bars (|) indicate differences between strains.

  • pAP33 (pAP with aroGfbr, tyrAfbr, fpkBa and pta, p15A ori with PRPL)
