Feedback insensitive
Feed-forward insensitive
Inhibition insensitive
Combined modifications

Titer in Fed-Batch for trans-4-hydroxy-L-proline

Strain Maximum production putA putP proP aceA proB esaR Datp4h esaI sucA phyH
E. coli HYP0 8,800 mg/L
E. coli HYP3 15,400 mg/L
E. coli HYPA 15,700 mg/L
E. coli HYP1 27,300 mg/L
E. coli HYP2 43,200 mg/L
E. coli HYP2M 54,800 mg/L

Volumetric productivity in Fed-Batch for trans-4-hydroxy-L-proline

Strain Maximum production putA putP proP aceA proB esaR Datp4h esaI sucA phyH
E. coli HYP3 60 mg/L/h
E. coli HYP0 210 mg/L/h
E. coli HYPA 300 mg/L/h
E. coli HYP1 650 mg/L/h
E. coli HYP2M 910 mg/L/h
E. coli HYP2 1,030 mg/L/h

Substrate yield in Fed-Batch for trans-4-hydroxy-L-proline

Strain Maximum production putA putP proP aceA proB esaR Datp4h esaI sucA phyH
E. coli HYPA 0.05 g/g of sustrate
E. coli HYP0 0.05 g/g of sustrate
E. coli HYP1 0.12 g/g of sustrate
E. coli HYP2 0.18 g/g of sustrate
E. coli HYP2M 0.24 g/g of sustrate
E. coli HYP3 0.37 g/g of sustrate