Feedback insensitive
Feed-forward insensitive
Inhibition insensitive
Combined modifications

Titer in Flask for 5-aminolevulinate

Strain Maximum production hemA sucC hemB aceA coaA ppc rhtA eamA grxA katG sodA trxC msrA msrB katE sodB sodC
E. coli ALA1 1,225 mg/L
E. coli ALA2 1,358 mg/L
E. coli ALA4 1,358 mg/L
E. coli ALA5 1,383 mg/L
E. coli ALA6 1,400 mg/L
E. coli ALA3 1,408 mg/L
E. coli ALA7 1,508 mg/L
E. coli ALA8 1,830 mg/L
E. coli ALA9 2,440 mg/L
E. coli ALA21 3,143 mg/L
E. coli ALA17 3,905 mg/L
E. coli ALA10 4,050 mg/L
E. coli ALA11 4,910 mg/L
E. coli ALA12 5,390 mg/L
E. coli ALA18 6,190 mg/L
E. coli ALA25 6,834 mg/L
E. coli ALA16 6,857 mg/L
E. coli ALA15 7,048 mg/L
E. coli ALA19 7,720 mg/L
E. coli ALA20 7,830 mg/L
E. coli ALA22 7,890 mg/L
E. coli ALA13 8,008 mg/L
E. coli ALA23 8,235 mg/L
E. coli ALA24 8,539 mg/L
E. coli ALA14 9,790 mg/L

Titer in Fed-Batch for 5-aminolevulinate

Strain Maximum production coaA sucC hemB aceA hemA ppc eamA grxA
E. coli ALA14 4,500 mg/L
E. coli ALA26 30,700 mg/L

Substrate yield in Flask for 5-aminolevulinate

Strain Maximum production hemA sucC hemB aceA coaA ppc rhtA eamA grxA trxC msrA msrB katE katG sodA sodB sodC
E. coli ALA1 0.14921 g/g of sustrate
E. coli ALA2 0.16086 g/g of sustrate
E. coli ALA5 0.16086 g/g of sustrate
E. coli ALA4 0.16232 g/g of sustrate
E. coli ALA6 0.16595 g/g of sustrate
E. coli ALA3 0.17105 g/g of sustrate
E. coli ALA7 0.18779 g/g of sustrate
E. coli ALA21 0.20162 g/g of sustrate
E. coli ALA8 0.2271 g/g of sustrate
E. coli ALA17 0.23219 g/g of sustrate
E. coli ALA9 0.26494 g/g of sustrate
E. coli ALA10 0.26494 g/g of sustrate
E. coli ALA12 0.31226 g/g of sustrate
E. coli ALA11 0.31298 g/g of sustrate
E. coli ALA16 0.31735 g/g of sustrate
E. coli ALA15 0.3239 g/g of sustrate
E. coli ALA13 0.3603 g/g of sustrate
E. coli ALA22 0.37631 g/g of sustrate
E. coli ALA19 0.38941 g/g of sustrate
E. coli ALA14 0.40688 g/g of sustrate
E. coli ALA20 0.4178 g/g of sustrate
E. coli ALA18 0.4571 g/g of sustrate

Substrate yield in Fed-Batch for 5-aminolevulinate

Strain Maximum production coaA sucC hemB aceA hemA ppc eamA grxA
E. coli ALA26 0.38723 g/g of sustrate

Volumetric productivity in Fed-Batch for 5-aminolevulinate

Strain Maximum production coaA sucC hemB aceA hemA ppc eamA grxA
E. coli ALA26 1,020 mg/L/h