Titer in Fed-Batch for L-arginine
Strain | Production |
mg/L |
E. coli A6 |
E. coli A7 |
Titer in Flask for L-arginine
Strain | Production |
mg/L |
E. coli MG1655 |
E. coli A2 |
E. coli A1 |
E. coli A3 |
E. coli A5 |
E. coli A4 |
E. coli A6 |
E. coli A7 |
Substrate yield in Fed-Batch for L-arginine
Strain | Production |
g/g of sustrate |
E. coli A6 |
E. coli A7 |
Substrate yield in Flask for L-arginine
Strain | Production |
g/g of sustrate |
E. coli MG1655 |
E. coli A1 |
E. coli A2 |
E. coli A3 |
E. coli A5 |
E. coli A4 |
E. coli A6 |
E. coli A7 |
Volumetric productivity in Fed-Batch for L-arginine
Strain | Production |
mg/L/h |
E. coli A7 |